Bake GuidesGem Integration

Gem Integration

This guide explains how to add bake to a Ruby gem and export standardised tasks for use by other gems and projects.

Exporting Tasks

Adding a bake/ directory to your gem will allow other gems and projects to consume those recipes. In order to prevent collisions, you should prefix your commands with the name of the gem, e.g. in mygem/bake/mygem.rb:

def setup
	# ...

Then, in a different project which depends on mygem, you can run tasks from mygem by invoking them using bake:

$ bake mygem:setup


There are many gems which export tasks in this way. Here are some notable examples:


The variant gem exposes bake tasks for setting the environment e.g. development, testing, or production.

$ bake list variant
Bake::Loader variant-0.1.1

	variant:production **overrides
		Select the production variant.
		overrides [Hash] any specific variant overrides.

	variant:staging **overrides
		Select the staging variant.
		overrides [Hash] any specific variant overrides.

	variant:development **overrides
		Select the development variant.
		overrides [Hash] any specific variant overrides.

	variant:testing **overrides
		Select the testing variant.
		overrides [Hash] any specific variant overrides.

	variant:force name **overrides
		Force a specific variant.
		name [Symbol] the default variant.
		overrides [Hash] any specific variant overrides.

		Show variant-related environment variables.


The console gem exposes bake tasks to change the log level.

$ bake list console
Bake::Loader console-1.8.2

		Increase the verbosity of the logger to info.

		Increase the verbosity of the logger to debug.