Bake GuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide gives a general overview of bake and how to use it.


Add the gem to your project:

$ bundle add bake

Core Concepts

bake has several core concepts:

Executing Tasks

The bake executable can be used to execute tasks in a bake.rb file in the same directory.

# bake.rb

def add(x, y)
	puts Integer(x) + Integer(y)

You can execute this task from the command line:

% bake add 10 20

Executing Multiple Tasks

The bake executable can execute multiple tasks in one invocation and even pass the output of one task into a subsequent task.

# bake.rb

attr_accessor :value

You can set and print the value:

% bake value= 10 value output

This is essentially broken down into three operations: value = 10, value & output. The value method returns the current value and the output task prints the result of the previous task.

Optional Arguments

You can provide optional arguments:

# bake.rb

def add(x: 10, y: 20)
	puts Integer(x) + Integer(y)

You can execute this task from the command line:

% bake add --x 10 --y 20

Or alternatively:

% bake add x=10 y=20

Using Types

You can annotate your task with a type signature and bake will coerce your arguments to these types:

# bake.rb

# @parameter x [Integer]
# @parameter y [Integer]
def add(x, y)
	puts x + y

You can execute this task from the command line:

% bake add 10 20

The values are automatically coerced to Integer.

Extending With Documentation

You can add documentation to your tasks and parameters (using Markdown formatting).

# bake.rb

# Add the x and y coordinate together and print the result.
# @parameter x [Integer] The x offset.
# @parameter y [Integer] The y offset.
def add(x, y)
	puts x + y

You can see this documentation in the task listing:

% bake list add
Bake::Context getting-started

	add x y
		Add the x and y coordinate together and print the result.
		x [Integer] The x offset.
		y [Integer] The y offset.

Private Methods

If you want to add helper methods which don't show up as tasks, define them as protected or private.

# bake.rb

# Add the x and y coordinate together and print the result.
# @parameter x [Integer] The x offset.
# @parameter y [Integer] The y offset.
def add(x, y)
	puts x + y


def puts(*arguments)
	$stdout.puts arguments.inspect