Bake GuidesProject Integration

Project Integration

This guide explains how to add bake to a Ruby project.


At the top level of your project, you can create a bake.rb file, which contains top level tasks which are private to your project.

def cake
	ingredients = call 'supermarket:shop', 'flour,sugar,cocoa'

This file is project specific and is the only file which can expose top level tasks (i.e. without a defined namespace). When used in a gem, these tasks are not exposed to other gems/projects.


Alongside the bake.rb, there is a bake/ directory which contains files like supermarket.rb. These files contain recipes, e.g.:

# @parameter ingredients [Array(Any)] the ingredients to purchase.
def shop(ingredients)
	supermarket =
	return supermarket.purchase(ingredients)

These methods are automatically scoped according to the file name, e.g. bake/supermarket.rb will define supermarket:shop.


Arguments work as normal. Documented types are used to parse strings from the command line. Both positional and optional parameters are supported.

Positional Parameters

Positional parameters are non-keyword parameters which may have a default value. However, because of the limits of the command line, all positional arguments must be specified.

# @parameter x [Integer]
# @parameter y [Integer]
def add(x, y)
	puts x + y

Which is invoked by bake add 1 2.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are keyword parameters which may have a default value. The parameter is set on the command line using the name of the parameter followed by an equals sign, followed by the value.

# @parameter x [Integer]
# @parameter y [Integer]
def add(x:, y: 2)
	puts x + y

Which is invoked by bake add x=1. Because y is not specified, it will default to 2 as per the method definition.