Compliance GuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide gives a general overview to the compliance gem, and how to track requirements and attestations across projects with dependencies.


Add the gem to your project:

$ bundle add compliance

Core Concepts

The compliance gem provides a framework for tracking requirements and attestations across projects with dependencies, and validating that the requirements are met using a policy.


By default the compliance gem loads requirements and attestations from all dependencies, including the project itself. For each source root, the loader looks for a compliance.json file, along with a compliance directory containing *.json files. All of these files get loaded into a single document, combining all requirements and attestations. Validation is performed by using a policy to check that all requirements have been met.

Typically, you'd expect to define requirements separately from attestations. You can do that by using a file in the compliance/ directory, e.g. compliance/project.json:

	"requirements": [
			"id": "PRJ-1",
			"description": "The project must have a readme file."
			"id": "PRJ-2",
			"description": "The project must have a license file."

This file defines the requirements for your project. You can then create attestations for these requirements in another file, e.g. compliance.json:

	"attestations": [
			"id": "PRJ-1",
			"by": "Alice",

This file defines an attestation for the PRJ-1 requirement. Given the above files, the policy would not be satisfied as the PRJ-2 requirement has not been attested.

The metadata you attach to requirements and attestations is up to you. The compliance gem doesn't enforce any particular structure, but it does provide a framework for loading and validating requirements and attestations. If you want to enforce a specific structure, you should subclass class Compliance::Policy.

General Guidelines

A library that provides functionality may like to publish attestations against general frameworks for security, privacy, or other concerns. For example, a library that handles personal data may publish attestations against the GDPR.

A service (or application) that uses a library should include the library's attestations in its own compliance document. This way, the service can demonstrate that it is using the library in a compliant manner. In addition, the service may have its own requirements and attestations, or may pull in a gem dedicated to a specific compliance framework.